Year 11 Careers Information and Guidance

Dear Year 11 Students

At this challenging time, we want to make sure that you are aware of all the opportunities and events open to you. On this page we will add information on sixth form, apprenticeships, virtual open days and signpost career guidance websites as well as who to turn to in the Academy.

Milton Keynes University Hospital

Are you interested in a career in Healthcare? Or would you just like to learn  more about life at MKUH?

MKA Sixth Form

To find out more about our unique sixth form experience click here

If you have decided on a university course or employment at 18, make sure that your Level 3 choices are going to take you there, check the suitability of your choices by looking at entrance requirements on Unifrog (for both universities and apprenticeships) or UCAS (the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).

Russell Group universities, have global recognition and are at the top of the university league tables.  Their publication Informed Choices will give you the information that you to put you in the best position to get a prestigious university place.

Local Further Education Colleges

Click the image for MK College

With its two sites Chaffron Way and Bletchley it can provide a vast range of courses from skills in construction through to becoming a make-up artist.  Check out their prospectus.

Click here for MK College Events

Click the image for Bedford College

From floristry to animal management including apprenticeships. Click here

From computing to hairdressing including apprenticeships. Click here

Click the image for Moulton College

Known for their courses centred on animal care and farming, Moulton are also recognised for a whole host of other courses. Click here for Moulton College events.

Useful websites-careers searches

Fast Tomato, school Code MKAM


Career Pilot

BBC Bitesize Careers


National Careers Service



Russell Group Universities

Individual Support

Mrs O’Neill, our Careers and Enterprise Manager, is here to help you navigate your way through this huge amount of information to find the course that suits you. She understands local job opportunities and will ensure that you have the best next step for you. You can book individual appointments with Mrs O’Neill by emailing  and she your choices as well as assisting you with filling out application forms and information on interviews.