Safeguarding Information for Parents/Carers
Our staff are keen to work closely with students and families to provide help and support as early as possible if difficulties arise. We therefore work very closely with partner agencies, including Milton Keynes Council, Thames Valley Police, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub. Students also receive support from the Mental Health Support Team, Terrence Higgins Trust, Drug and alcohol Services Compass, Service Six, Young Carers MK, Action 4 Youth, Thinking for the Future and our very own counsellor Gill Bourne.
For more information on a range of topics relating to safeguarding children, including further information on how to contact our Designated Safeguarding Leads, please click here
If you are concerned that a child is at imminent risk of harm, contact the police immediately.
Safeguarding Information for Parents/Carers
To support parents and carers in keeping their children safe online, the Academy has hosted free Online Safety training for Parents and Carers. For those of you who were unable to attend the sessions, please find below links to key websites where you will find further information:
Childnet International
Internet Matters
Think U Know
Guidance for Staff
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Safeguarding Contacts
Click the icon below to view the safeguarding contacts at Milton Keynes Academy.
CET Online Safety Policy
Parent Newsletters