Pupil Premium

Students from disadvantaged backgrounds underachieve academically when compared to their non-disadvantaged peers. The pupil premium is additional funding to support these pupils to succeed at school.


  • Diminish any gaps in attainment and progress outcomes between those students from disadvantaged backgrounds against national for non-disadvantaged by the end of Key Stage 4 (Year 11)
  • Increase attainment and progress outcomes by disadvantaged students in English and Mathematics
  • Reduce absence, lateness to school, exclusions and improve attitude to learning
  • Ensure that there is equality of opportunity for all leavers through access to high quality curriculum, academic pathways, Post 16 destinations, enrichment opportunities and experiences

Disadvantaged criteria are:

  • Pupils who have registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years
  • Pupils who are looked after by the local authority for more than six months
  • Pupils whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces