Pupil Admission Number (PAN) Reduction Consultation

Consultation – The Milton Keynes Academy reduction of Published Admission Number (PAN)

The Published Admission Number (PAN) at The Milton Keynes Academy is currently 240. This means that the number of pupils admitted to the academy in year 7 each year is a maximum of 240. The Trustees and Senior Leadership Team at The Milton Keynes Academy wish to reduce this by 30 places which will result in an annual pupil intake of 210 effective September 2022 onward.

Reducing the PAN will assist the Trust to provide stability in its long-term planning and allow the school to secure high-quality educational outcomes for the pupils currently on our roll, while continuing to provide an appropriate number of places for future pupil numbers in line with demand in the Milton Keynes area. Although the Regulations and Code of Practice relating to school admissions no longer require an admissions authority to consult when maintaining or increasing a schools PAN, there remains a requirement to consult when the proposal is to reduce. Creative Education Trust, as the admissions authority for MKA, is seeking comments on the proposed change. It is important to the Creative Education Trust Board and our Academy Council, to consider the views of our parents and the wider community. If you would like to contribute to the consultation, please use the links below to access further information: