
Curriculum Leader: M Dubray

KS3 French

Year 7Overview of Topics Covered
Autumn 1La rentrée
Numbers, dates, alphabet, phonics. Introductions & personal descriptions.
Autumn 2En classe Colours, telling the time, school subjects. Opinions and justifications.
Spring 1Mon temps libre Seasons and weather. Clothing.
Spring 2Mon temps libre continued Sports and activities. More opinions and justifications.
Summer 1Ma vie de famille. Animals, higher numbers and colours. Family members.
Summer 2En ville Places in town. Food and drink items. Simple conversations at a café
Year 8Overview of Topics Covered
Autumn 1Vive les vacances!
Describe a past holiday in detail.
Autumn 2J’adore les fêtes ! Describing Francophone festivals and celebrations. Buying food at a market. Talking about a future trip.
Spring 1Les loisirs
Talking about leisure activities and interests in celebrities. TV and digital technology.
Spring 2Les loisirs continued Making social arrangements and buying tickets.
Summer 1Le monde est petit
Describing where you live and what you do there. Household chores. Daily routine.
Summer 2Le sport en direct Giving opinions on sports. Asking for and giving directions. Injuries and illness. At the doctor.
Year 9Overview of Topics Covered
Autumn 1Mon monde à moi
Extra-curricular activities and giving opinions. Describing friends and birthday celebrations. Clothing and style.
Autumn 2Projets d’avenir Describing how to earn money. Future career and life plans.
Spring 1Ma vie en musique. Describing musical tastes. Describing your former self
Spring 2Ma vie en musique continued Comparing secondary and primary schools.
Summer 1Le meilleur des mondes Describing food and eating habits. Animals and the natural world. Plastic and the environment.
Summer 2Le monde Francophone
Describing famous French speaking countries. World sites and monuments.

KS4 GCSE French -AQA

Year 10Overview of Topics Covered
Autumn 1Qui suis- je ? Theme 1
Describe friends and family. Relationships. Places in town, activities, time and making arrangements to go out. Describing a day out.
Autumn 2Le temps de loisirs. Theme 1 Leisure activities and socialising. Cinema, film and TV. Sport. Technology. Reading and music.
Spring 1Au Collège. Theme 3
School subjects, rules, facilities and opportunities. Comparing French/ English School. Healthy Lifestyle.
Spring 2Un oeil sur le monde. Theme 2 Weather. Natural disasters. Protecting the environment. Volunteering. Ethical shopping.
Summer 1Dans la ville à la campagne. Theme 2
Weather. Describing a region, town, village and neighbourhood. Requesting tourist information.
Summer 2Bon travail. Theme 3 Jobs and career choices. Sharing plans, hopes and wishes. Earning money. Work experience.
Year 11Overview of Topics Covered
Autumn 1Le grand large. Theme 2
Booking and ordering on holiday. Describing travel. Describing a past holiday and disasters. Ordering in a restaurant . Ideal holiday plans.
Autumn 2Jours ordinaires, jours de fêtes. Theme 1 Module 3. Daily routine. Shopping. Describing festival, family celebrations and traditions.
Spring 1La révision. Gap analysis and targeted revision. Vocab revision of all topics and themes. Exam question practice. Preparation for speaking exam.
Spring 2La révision. Gap analysis and targeted revision. Vocab revision of all topics and themes. Exam question practice. Preparation for speaking exam. Planning and checking writing question responses. Annotating translation texts.
Summer 1Final exams.
Summer 2
YearOverview of Topics Covered
9France & Other Countries, Entertainment & Advertising, Technology, Issues for Teenagers, A Balanced Diet, Parties & Festivals, Transport & Holidays, Home & Jobs and Ambitions
Theme 1: Identity & Culture
Me, My Family & Friends, Technology in Everyday Life, Free-time Activities and Customs & Festivals
Theme 2: Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest
Home, Town Neighbourhood & Region, Social Issues, Global Issues and Travel & Tourism
Theme 3: Current & Future Study & Employment
Life at School & College, Job, Career Choices and Ambitions
Theme 1: Identity & Culture
Me, My Family & Friends, Technology in Everyday Life, Free-time Activities and Customs & Festivals
Theme 2: Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest
Home, Town Neighbourhood & Region, Social Issues, Global Issues and Travel & Tourism
Theme 3: Current & Future Study & Employment
Life at School & College, Job, Career Choices and Ambitions



YearOverview of Topics Covered
7Introducing Yourself, Family, School, Free Time & Hobbies, Home and Grammar
8Food & Drink, Local Area, Fashion & Shopping, Going on a Trip and Grammar


YearOverview of Topics Covered
9You, Your Family & Friends, Daily Routine, Festivals & Celebrations, The Media, Hobbies, Health & Fitness, Going on a Trip, Environment & School and Future Plans
Theme 1: Identity & Culture
Me, My Family & Friends, Technology in Everyday Life, Free-time Activities and Customs & Festivals
Theme 2: Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest
Home, Town Neighbourhood & Region, Social Issues, Global Issues and Travel & Tourism
Theme 3: Current & Future Study & Employment
Life at School & College, Job, Career Choices and Ambitions
Theme 1: Identity & Culture
Me, My Family & Friends, Technology in Everyday Life, Free-time Activities and Customs & Festivals
Theme 2: Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest
Home, Town Neighbourhood & Region, Social Issues, Global Issues and Travel & Tourism
Theme 3: Current & Future Study & Employment
Life at School & College, Job, Career Choices and Ambitions