
Curriculum Leader: Mrs K Addison

KS3 Drama

Each class are on a rotation for the year. This means some classes will be studying Drama whilst other classes will be studying Dance or Music.

Year 7Students will learn the fundamental pillars of creating their own work and performance
Autumn to SummerGates of Rashomon
The mission to the moon
Year 8Using drama as a tool to explore the world in which they live, whilst further developing their understanding of performance
Autumn to SummerWar Horse explores – everything but the action
Children on the frontline – allows students to develop their empathy as well as develop performance skills
Year 9Exploring other theatre styles such as
Autumn to SummerExploring other theatre styles such as “Commedia Dell Art”
Using practitioner theories such as “Augusto Boal and Bertolt Brecht”
Further develop their ability to be able to “devise their own work using stimuli”

KS4 BTEC Drama

Year 10Overview of Topics Covered
Autumn to
‘Developing Skills and Techniques’ – learning a piece of professional repertoire
Spring_2 to Summer‘Exploring the Performing Arts’ – exploring a variety of drama productions 
Year 11Overview of Topics Covered
‘Exploring the Performing Arts’ Continued
Autumn 2
 ‘Responding to a brief’ – An external exam unit covering choreographic and performance skills