
All students at The Milton Keynes Academy follow a curriculum that has a strong academic core. Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 follow a curriculum that includes English, mathematics, science, a modern foreign language, history, geography, music, drama, art and PE. Furthermore, all students follow a strong pastoral curriculum through a tutorial programme focussed on a range of personal health and well-being topics. This is an essential part of the curriculum that helps them flourish and thrive as young people. We maintain this breadth right through the school and offer an appropriate and impressive range of academic and vocational courses at both key stage 4 and 5. In this way we aim to support the interests and aptitudes of all our students.

Business and Enterprise is our specialism. This not only means that we pride ourselves on our business related courses, but we also ensure that the skills and creativity that employers demand in today’s world are delivered through all subjects.

We have strong links with many national and international businesses based in Milton Keynes, for example Nifty Lift, Santander, Serco, Network Rail and Deloitte. These links help us to enrich our curriculum and to offer our students valuable opportunities to work with other successful organisations.

As a member of the Creative Education Trust, students also gain access to an enhanced curriculum entitlement called knowledge connected. This enables the students to learn about and develop six ‘key concepts’ from professional creative practice which were identified to enhance the curriculum offer in Creative Education Trust schools. These key concepts are structure; pattern; meaning; performance; human interaction; and practice. This allows our students to make connections between disparate knowledge and allows for them to gain a greater understanding of the world around them.

At The Milton Keynes Academy we want all our students to be aspirational and to be successful. We have real strengths across the whole range of the curriculum offer our students opportunities to access a range of amazing experiences and successes beyond the classroom. This breadth of opportunity provides students with a high quality learning experience whilst maintaining both balance and choice.