GCSE Maths

Why is Mathematics important?

Maths is a necessary life skill that is essential in our daily lives. In addition to the subject specific knowledge and skills, you will develop the ability to logically solve difficult problems, working both efficiently and effectively. It will also help you to think creatively when encountering problems for the first time.

When recruiting new staff, employers look for transferrable skills in problem solving, analysis, data handling and communication, to name just a few. These are useful in any job, and all of them are gained from studying maths.

Maths helps communicate complicated ideas in a clearly and precisely, avoiding misunderstandings.

Maths is a subject essential to progress in further education. A good grade in Maths GCSE is needed for entry into sixth form as well as almost all college courses. In addition, a good pass in maths can also help to get you a university place, especially the more technical and sought after courses.

Finally, maths links into many subjects, especially physics, chemistry, music, computer science and business. A good foundation in Maths will help you do well in these subjects.

What is involved in the Mathematics course?

Maths GCSE is a core subject.

GCSE Mathematics covers a wide range of knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts. These are grouped into the key areas of Number, Algebra, Geometry & Measure and Statistics & Probability.

How will you be assessed?

Mathematics GCSE is a linear course. This means you do all the exams at the end of Year 11. It therefore does not involve any coursework or controlled assessments. The examination is made up of three 90-minute papers, each worth one-third of the total marks. One of the three papers is non-calculator and the remaining two allow the use of a calculator.

There are two tiers for the final examination – higher and foundation. You will be entered for the tier that gives them the greatest chance of achieving a good grade.

At MKA we follow the specification and exams created by AQA, one of the main exam boards.

What can you do with Mathematics in the future?

For most employers, having a good grasp of maths puts you ahead of other applicants; from designing games to plumbing, midwifery to engineering, maths opens doors.

Learners achieving grades 7 – 9 are well equipped to continue their studies in maths at A-level.

Other courses (both 6th form and college) with a mathematical content may also require a minimum grade at GCSE. You should make sure that you discuss this with the relevant subject teacher/course provider, so that you are clear of the grade that you need to reach.

What do you need to do to prepare for the course?

In Year 10, we will build on the mathematical skills and techniques that you have been taught in KS3, so revise topics that we have covered in Year 9.

You may find it useful to purchase a CGP revision guides (these are available to purchase from the Aspire Workroom, when we are back in school).

All students will need a scientific calculator and a geometry set. It is important to have this equipment from the start of the course so that you can use it during year 10 and 11. That way you will walk into your final exams confident in how to use both your calculator and other tools.

How do I find out more?

AQA website:

Need to know

Remember, Maths GCSE is a compulsory core subject which you will study in year 10 and 11. You will work towards a higher or foundation tier based on your ability and performance. Students in each tier will follow specific programmes tailored to their ability with a formal assessment every half term.

The highest grade on the foundation tier is 5 and for the higher tier, it is grade 9.

Student/Staff/Famous Person quote about the subject

‘’The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics’’
– Paul Halmos