GCSE German

Why is German important?

Having an additional language will enhance your job prospects, develops your logical thinking skills, and broaden your knowledge of other cultures. Learning languages will also equip learners with essential learning skills of literacy and numeracy.

What is involved in the German course?

You will develop your writing, listening, reading, and speaking skills in German. You will study different sub-topics within three broad areas:

Theme 1: Identity and Culture including relationships, technology, social media, music, cinema, TV, eating out and sport.

Theme 2: Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interests including home, town and region, charity and voluntary work, healthy and unhealthy living, travel and tourism.

Theme 3: Current and Future Study and Employment including school life, education, and jobs post-16.

How will you be assessed?

You will be assessed by end-of-course examinations in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Although there is no coursework or controlled assessment, your progress will be regularly measured by assessments to inform the teacher and yourself about your progress in German.

What can you do with German in the future?

What can they do in the subject.In today’s global economy, knowing another language really gives students a competitive edge when applying for jobs. Possible careers may be in translation, interpreting, international business, game localisation, legal careers, government careers including teaching, charity organisations, and a wide range of jobs in francophone countries.

This course can lead you into studying a language in further and higher education, and is seen as a facilitating subject when applying to universities.

What do you need to do to prepare for the course?

Regular revision of vocabulary and grammar of about 15 minutes three times a week will help. Use Apps such as Duolingo, watch French films and listen to French music and use YouTube. You should use authentic materials as much as possible, as well as revision guides.

How do I find out more?

You can visit the AQA GCSE German specification, which can be found here: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/german-8668

Need to know

Languages are an essential skill which involves commitment, patience, and dedication. You will need to be fully engaged in your work and have a genuine desire to succeed, as well as a good dose of self-belief. It takes time and hard work to become fluent, but it is a lifelong skill.

Student/Staff/Famous Person quote about the subject

One language set you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.
–Frank Smith