GCSE – Food Preparation and Nutrition

Why is Food Preparation and Nutrition important?

Making, creating, and enjoying real practical outcomes that you can share with family, friends and even if just for yourself; what’s better than to say, “look what I’ve done for you?” Is there a better way than food? You might want to explore further and build a career from this. You may want to display your creative side and eventually design whole new dishes because you understand what’s happening inside your food; the scientific you. This course will develop existing skills and knowledge and give you room to develop your creativity, interest and love of food.

What is involved in the Food Preparation and Nutrition course?

You will develop your practical skills with lots of increasingly complicated dishes based on themes or topics. You will learn about commodities, food types, where they come from, how they work and are used. This is often done through practical sessions.

You will develop your understanding of the impact of the science behind ingredients through practical investigations, and you will produce dishes where you research and produce your own solutions for different culinary tasks.

How will you be assessed?

You will be assessed regularly across a range of skills and knowledge throughout the course, and the work you complete in year 11 will decide your final grade.

There are two different pieces of coursework that you will need to complete.

Food Investigation assignment: this piece of coursework is an 8hr project set by the exam board requiring you to investigate an aspect of food or an ingredient and the impact it has on what you make. Completed in school time and the ingredients and equipment are supplied by the school. This is worth 15% of your final grade.

Food Preparation assignment: this is a 12hr project researching, planning, making and evaluating your outcomes. 3 hours is allocated to a practical examination where you are invited to show your skills while creating 3 dishes, managing your working environment and all aspects of safety. You will be expected to organise your own ingredients. This is worth 35% of your final grade.

External Written Examination: this exam is taken at the end of Year 11. This will examine your knowledge of food and commodities. This is worth 50% of your final grade.

What can you do with Food Preparation and Nutrition in the future?

Food Preparation and Nutrition offers a wide variety of opportunities in and associated with the hospitality and catering industry. You can go on and study level 3 courses, although you may have to revise some skills at level 2 first. You can apply for a wide range of apprenticeships that will allow you then become part of one of the biggest employment sectors in the country.

What do you need to do to prepare for the course?

To get ready for the course it is always good to have had experience, whether this is from school or by helping out at home. Make sure you have a look at the catering tasks on MS Teams.

How do I find out more?

The resources section shows some of the skills and knowledge that you will learn while studying, and the link can be accessed here: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/food/gcse/food-preparation-and-nutrition-8585

Need to know

This is a course where you will learn about more than just food. It will teach you about organisation skills, working collaboratively, as well as developing your independent skills. You will need to organise ingredients for practical sessions.

Student/Staff/Famous Person quote about the subject

I’m never gonna put boundaries on myself ever again. I’m never gonna say I can’t do it. I’m never gonna say ‘maybe
— Nadiya Hussain

If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.
–Cesar Chavez (American civil rights campaigner)